AMR Racing Honda Cr80 Mx Dirt Bike Graphic Kit - 1996-2002: Reaper: Red
Product Description
AMR Racing's Premium Custom Graphics are produced to order and may take up to 5 business days to manufacture. All graphics are digitally printed with UV resistant inks that are guaranteed not to fade up to 5 years. These are not your typical 3-4 color Silk-Screened graphics. Our digital technology produces extremely Vivid and detailed images, up to 16.5 million colors! We use the thickest layer of scratch-proof clear vinyl over laminate for an Armor Like layer of protection. Our Genuine 3M brand adhesive assures your graphics won't be peeling off unless you want them to. All of our designs are available on all the models we carry. Please Note that some of our designs have both Design Color and Background Color options.
- Genuine 3M brand adhesive assures your graphics won't be peeling off unless you want them to.
- Fits 1996-2002: Honda Cr80
- 22 mil thick!
- All graphics are digitally printed with UV resistant inks that are guaranteed not to fade up to 5 years!
- Highest quality in the industry.
If you enjoy the recreational aspects of motocross, then why not look into the one of a kind possibility found with motocross stickers. When you find your courses or trailers to travel, it's usual to find several other riders using that same location. Instead of being another pleasure seeker with a generic dirt bike, look like a professional with the use of your own custom dirt bike graphics. various pit bike graphics
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